Discover what God can take from you.
Discover also what God can give you.
Does God bring you suffering to train you?
This is a picture index only.
For a general Index please go to this: General Index.
Hi everyone
and welcome!
Virginia Franklin
Look at the Picture Directory (below).
Scroll down and find a subject you want to to know more about.
Click on the red link which says:
'Find out the truth in the Bible'
You will be taken to another page which will give you much more researched data and supporting Bible Verses.
The excerpts below are from the New Book GOD, US, and SATAN' which is an intense study, digging into ancient and modern Hebrew, ancient and modern Greek, Aramaic, the Dead Sea Scrolls, other various discoveries, history, and translational differences/opinions between Hebrew, Greek, and English to find out what God actually said.
The pictures below are illustrations of these findings, and are here specifically to make God's truth easy to understand along Bible verses on the red link 'Find out the truth from the Bible'.
This book has taken a total of 8 write.
See Below
from the NEW BOOK
God, Us, and Satan
God is so misunderstood. This is a large section and has its own index. By the end of this you should be very knowledgeable as to who God is and what He means to us. What His personality is like. What His intentions are and how you can relate to Him.
Credit: Faith Direction and Painter Robert Barrett
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Below has to do with various corrected, disputed Bible verses and explanations.
Find out what the 3 steps are for God to make man.
Why the theory of evolution is not true.
Why did God Make man superior to the animals?
Why was Jesus the first of God's creations?
Can your energy affect your life?
Your words and thoughts are energy.
How does this work in the scientific world?
Find out the truth from the Bible.
Can our sins be forgiven even if they are terrible?
Can man become a new creation?
What is our guarantee into heaven?
What happens if one hears the Word of God and does nothing?
Find out the truth from the Bible.
Are we controlling God?
Is God controlling us?
Or is it none of the above?
Do prayer chains work?
Do we still live under the Law of Moses?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Does mankind control the angels?
What are the different type of angels?
What do angels do for us?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Who or what is the main cause of Anxiety and Stress?​
How do we get peace?
What does God do with anxiety and stress?
Find out the truth from the Bible.
Are we just a body?
What is that light beside the fetus?
What is the difference between the body, brain, mind and soul?
What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the human spirit.
Find out the truth from the Bible
Who or what is the human spirit?
Does everyone have one?
When and how do we get it, if we do?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Picture credit: & Pixabay
Who or what is the Holy Spirit?
Does everyone have one?
What is the benefit of having a Holy Spirit?
How does it differ from the human spirit?
Find out the truth from the Bible
It's as easy as apple pie, but it isn't.
When it is understood, it is simple, but until then, it escapes logic.
Find out the truth from the Bible
Wealth God's way!
Why and how does God meet your needs?
Why do you not store up treasures for yourselves.
What do you have to do for wealth?
Find out the truth from the Bible
When and how did God declare us as healed?
What is vital for us to do to be healed
Does everyone get healed - why not?
Does God bring us sicknesses and disease?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Picture credit: & &
Why is it we cannot please God without faith?
Discover how faith works.
How with God, you can accomplish the impossible?
Find out the truth from the Bible​
What you believe, you will achieve!
If what we see around us is not the reality we need to have?
Then what is?
Why is the unseen more important?
Find out the truth from the Bible
What authority do we have on planet Earth?
Who currently rules this planet?
Why did God give partial rulership to mankind?
Why doesn't God change His mind?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Find out why these 2 Bible verses in this picture are true.
Find out how people are destroying their lives!
Find out how you can literally save your own life!
Find out the truth from the Bible
Find out the difference!
Why doesn't the brain understand spiritual things?
Why can't the brain think into the future?
How does the brain operate? You might be very surprised!
Find out the truth from the Bible
Break the chains to your past and sin.
Here are some awesome Bible verses!
God loves you! You just have to have faith in Him.
Find out the truth from the Bible
Who loves you?
Who pretends to love you?
What is the actual struggle?
Find out the truth from the Bible.
God through Jesus, after His death, gave us GRACE.
Before that was THE LAW.
The differences are vital!
Find out the truth from the Bible
Picture credit & & senjuti Kundu of Unsplash. com
Why is attitude important?
Where does attitude come from?
Find out the truth from the Bible
There are various theories about who or what is going to be judged on Judgement Day for its life choices.
The body + brain (flesh)?
The Holy Spirit?
The heart?
The human spirit?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Photo credit Christian Ministery Fellowship
Picture credit & &
If miracles died with the Apostles, then it would mean the rest of the Bible died then too.
If we believe the Bible, it is impossible to exclude some parts of it.
The whole Bible either all lives or doesn't.
Find out the truth from the Bible
Photo credit: &
Parents, there is hope!
The Bible has all the answers from God who wrote it specifically for you, through the persons He chose.
Find out the truth from the Bible
Photo credit: &
Photo credit:
Can you 'catch' someone's negative energy and demons?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Picture credit Faith Direction
Jesus says in John 8:45; that the devil (Satan)
"was a murderer from the beginning"
That "there was no truth in him".
That "he is a liar and the father of lies."
Why does God allow Satan to do what he does?
How are we protected from Satan?
Where does Satan live?
Find out the truth from the Bible
I don't know about you, but I needed to see maps of where Jesus walked.
What were the old names of the towns/cities and where they were located.
What was happening at the time of Jesus in politics.
What was the previous history leading up to that time.
Where the books of the Bible were written.
This is all covered in MAPS.
Also, where the Garden of Eden was and what happened to it.
Find out the truth from the Bible
What is here on this page is great and if you apply these Bible verses, there is no reason that your life should not change for the better.
But there is so much more in the new book God, us, and Satan. I really recommend you purchase it. There are many links to Bible verses and my notes accompany most of them. And many pictures.
Seeing that many churches, institutions, and people were giving an incorrect version of the Bible, I set out to correct it, not only for myself but for others. I wanted God known as He is and as I found Him. I wanted people to have the truth, so I spent 8 years studying and unraveling God's messages to us from the original languages.
Many commentaries and pictures.
SPIRITUAL PACKAGE to be completed
Discover God the way you have not seen Him. The way He is found in the Truth of His Word. How He meant it when He wrote what He wanted - to us and for us, through the people He chose.
Who or what is the Holy Spirit?
Does everyone have one?
What is the benefit of having a Holy Spirit?
How does it differ from the human spirit?
Find out the truth from the Bible
It's as easy as apple pie, but it isn't.
When it is understood, it is simple, but until then, it escapes logic.
Are we controlling God?
Is God controlling us?
Or is it none of the above?
Do prayer chains work?
Do we still live under the Law of Moses?
Does mankind control the angels?
What are the different type of angels?
What do angels do for us?
Find out the truth from the Bible
For more information on THE SPIRITUAL PACKAGE please click here.
Who or what is the human spirit?
Does everyone have one?
When and how do we get it, if we do?
Find out the truth from the Bible
Picture credit: & Pixabay